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start a club

We are looking for new locations to launch VESSELS.

VESSELS is passionate about disciplining the next generation of women by equipping them with God's truth about their identity, value and purpose. In a fun club environment, girls learn about women of the Bible, craft, sing, eat, dance and earn jewelry-all with the purpose of helping them build a solid personal faith in Jesus.


VESSELS is one of few faith-based programs focused on the impressionable & vulnerable tween girl age group. Don’t let the world tell your girl who she should be—let VESSELS guide her to God’s truth.


Want to bring VESSELS to your area? It's not too early to begin the conversation about VESSELS with your church. We are already securing new locations for fall of 2025. It's our God-sized goal to launch a club in every state!  

Let's start talking!


the details

Two-page PDF outline of the program--easy to print & share with others.

Full details & timelines for payments, usage rights & terms and more.

It's important that clubs align with our theological beliefs. 

Introduce others to VESSELS by copying & pasting this URL to this informative email.


In order to establish, grow and sustain a VESSELS club location, we look for these benchmarks when selecting a new launch location.


The end goal of VESSELS is to grow the local church and help a girl start and continue her faith journey long term. 



There are so many elements to VESSELS—which is what makes it so great. But it’s too much for one person. Before beginning a club, you need to build a team. 



They don't have to be committed. We just ask that you organically reach out to tween girls and moms in your area to see if there is enough interest. 



We also ask that all clubs make it possible for girls to attend, regardless of financial situation.

Program Fee:

We've done all the work so you don't have to reinvent the wheel each week. Just plug in all the provided resources and you'll be ready for club.


The program fee is an annual, renewing fee and covers all digital properties as well as the club support/coaching. This cost remains the same no matter how large your club grows.

What it includes


  • Lesson videos

  • Craft videos

  • Notebook cards

  • Teaching notes

  • Prezi presentations

  • Snack recipes

  • Weekly playlists

  • Parent email templates

  • Team email templates

  • Weekly club director calls with founder to coach you through launch & growing your club

fee: $125

The best part about VESSELS is that we count, prep and ship craft supplies directly to you so, you don't have to run around gathering them. Just open up the box and go for it!

This per-girl registration fee covers the hard supplies & jewelry for provided for each girl for 26 weeks. However, you are free to charge whatever is needed to make things financially viable for your club.

What it includes

superior support & coaching

"VESSELS does more than just supply curriculum. The weekly director calls made the process of starting a club seamless. Each week, all my questions were answered, any club issues were discussed, and I was given confidence-building vision. Our club has grown from 14 girls our first year to over 50 girls the second year. Girls are inviting friends and we are reaching our community for Christ."

-Randi  // Club Director, California

Learn More About VESSELS
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